From the AstroConstellation™ on Tuesday, September 3, 2024 for the New Moon in Virgo
Constellation work is phenomenological, meaning the "phenomena" that happens during a session or Circle is considered relevant to the healing movement taking place. The phenomena that happens takes place in what we refer to as the "Knowing Field", also referred to as a Quantum Field, a Morphic Field (Rupert Sheldrake) or the Divine Matrix (Gregg Braden.) This is what makes Constellation work different than psychodrama for example. There is no acting taking place. It's a practice in presence, and therefore anything meaningful that comes up in that presence has relevance and importance.
AstroConstellations™ is the Constellation work we know well, yet it considers the mirror astrology gives and includes elements of astrology in the Constellations, such as archetypes from the planets or signs, among other things. Astrodrama exists, like psychodrama, yet AstroConstellation™ is about picking up on how the representation (a planet, a sign, something abstract, or a person) shows up in the moment, not how they would be acted out like in theatre and not how they would be interpreted from looking at a natal chart - although there is a lot of debate here too.
This simply makes AstroConstellation™ different, so let's look at a recent example!
Last week we had a Circle for the New Moon in Virgo and the spotlight Constellation was about a health issue (fitting for Virgo). As we got started, the first representatives were all wearing glasses, all of them. This was striking (and part of the phenomena), so I put in a representative for Glasses (now "G" for the representation of glasses) to gain more insight to what was trying to be seen. As time went on, the Glasses representative spoke of empowerment and was getting bored with the slowness of everyone involved. Exploring a bit, the references given and words spoken sounded a lot like Pluto. And right as I added Pluto to the name, the rep for great grandmother exposed her secret, her truth. This was previously unseen. Also, the person representing what was now named Pluto had had to come in using two screens for tech reasons. As she unmuted to speak, the echo was hard for some people to bear, like an echo from afar. The representative for mother couldn't bear the sound in fact and covered her ears.
After the truth of the secret was revealed and great grandmother could say it, and acknowledge that it wasn't just her truth, but an old memory based on many experiences of women in the system, Pluto said it wasn't needed anymore, that it had served its purpose. The Pluto rep said, "I came to lift the veil, (so my work is done.)"
Astrologically, the client's Venus was being lit up by the new moon, which made a semi-square to Pluto in H1 (the body), which was in a wide conjunction to Black Moon Lilith. For non Astro jargon - the planet of relationships and our feminine side (Venus) is linked to Pluto (intensity, issues of power and disempowerment, the underworld , to name a few) in a challenging way and Black Moon Lilith (our deep desires, sexual liberation, and a reclamation of identity, among other things) was also in the mix. The transgenerational nature and potential of these combinations of planets also showed up in the long history of pain and disempowerment in the womens' lives. The client's symptom and the secret revealed were all linked to a long line of women not feeling good being women, not feeling safe being women. (Example, Venus semi-square Pluto, conjunct Lilith).
Without explaining the full context and all the steps that took place and all the other representatives who were present in this Constellation, the phenomenological side of the work allowed the veil to be lifted and for us to know it. The symbols and meaning of the planets became alive and happened before our eyes. It was like Pluto, the God of the Underworld, came up through the depths with the echo of the first voice. The Glasses called us to see differently, and without a doubt shadows and hidden truths were brought to the surface. This was for the empowerment of the women in this system and for the client.
And what is something we can all take from this? Perhaps the Glasses related to Pluto can remind us all to look deeper, to look beyond the surface, to look for deeper Truth.
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