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MindFul English









After many years of teaching English and coaching adults for professional development purposes, I have found the greatest obstacle to learning is ourselves and our confidence.


Mindful English combines personal development with language learning and uses greater awareness as the primary tool in learning.  This approach to learning is for students of English who would like to learn in a relaxed and calm environment to learn English and train their minds as the same time.  Since learning a language is like the life of a plant, it is something to be cared for and regularly watered with practice.  However, correcting mistakes (like weeds) is also important in the process, to avoid taking root and becoming habit, because repetitive mistakes do just that--take root in our minds.  In linguistics, this is known as "fossilization."  MindFul English activities include meditation and teaching that not only improves fossilized mistakes, but also trains your mind for greater awareness at the same time.  


Working as a teacher for many years is what led me into working as a therapist.  Time and time again I witnessed students' stress levels, emotional reactions and blocks to learning.  We all learn best when we can be calm and in a peaceful state of mind.  Why not improve English and train your mind at the same time? It's experience with students from all over the world, in person, in groups and online, that has led me to create this philosophy. 


The following video explains a bit about how the MindFul English philosophy, based on linguistic principles.




















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