Collective Constellations
Themes of the Age of Aquarius
Join me for this 3-part exploratory series on themes of the Age of Aquarius.
Tuesdays, September 24, October 1 and October 8 from 19:45 to 21:15 at Shanti Home in Forest
​​An astrological age is a period of history (2,000+ years), which parallels major developmental changes in human, societal, cultural, historical, and political areas, to name a few. We have been leaving the Age of Pisces and overlapping with the entrance into the Age of Aquarius for approximately the past 60 years. The Aquarian Age is a new astrological time period associated with innovation, great advancements in science and technology, originality & uniqueness, revolution & rebellion, philanthropy, community, friendship, and teamwork, to name a few. We already see signs of it happening with huge innovations in technology, the open sharing of knowledge and information, the use of big data, and of course Artificial Intelligence. Themes such as these, including their virtues and potential shadow sides toward society, will be explored in a series of collective constellations. Each week a new theme will be introduced, building on the week before as part of an exploration of a new period of history that we are embarking on.
Constellation work can be personal, such as family constellations, for organisations and also for collective themes. When we do constellation work on collective themes, the goal is not to solve anything and instead is to explore dynamics between parts and to bring consciousness to a situation. The consciousness gained for the individuals participating therefore contributes to collective healing and change.
Example themes: Tradition vs. the New Age, Science and Faith, Innovation in Technology and the Emergence of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Information as a Weapon, among other things
Price for the series: 60 Euros
Price per session: 25 Euros
Dates: Tuesdays, September 24th, October 1st, and October 8th
​Time: 19:45 to 21:15 (Doors will open at 19:40 and not beforehand due to a yoga class taking place)
Location: Shanti Home: Rue Darwin 8, Brussels 1190 (Forest)
​*No personal constellations will be done during the series. This is for exploring collective themes that impact us all.
*As these constellations are exploratory in nature, the invitation is to come with curiosity for exploring what the Field reveals and respect for differing opinions. A brief discussion will follow each constellation to discuss what participants experienced and realised. The conversations are aimed to stay focused on the subject of the constellation and not sway to political agendas or personal opinions. For any subjects that invite a difference of opinion, all opinions are invited and will be respected.
*Please do your best to be on-time to maximize the time together. And you are asked to stay the entire duration of the event. (Duration just 1.5 hours)
*After 15 minutes have passed (at 20h), the doors will close and entry will not be permitted.
Payment must be made beforehand. Email Meghan if you'd like to participate in the series or for one evening and she'll send the corresponding information for your reservation: meghan@gettotheorigin, Subject line: Collective Constellation series
*Spots are limited to 20 people, so please be sure you want to participate. For organisation purposes, cancellation with refund is allowed only 1 day before the event and sign-ups will close the day before the event as well. (Different than usual Cancellation policy.)
*Modified price for students or if you are unemployed. Write me if this is your case.​
Contact: Meghan +32 468 455 273